Friday, September 25, 2009

Dear God

I'm fighting hard to stay positive here, God.

Not working real well right now. Weeping at work is not really an acceptable practice.

You'd think that having everyone around me being supportive and agreeing that I'm getting the shaft would make me feel better, but instead I'm overwhelmed.

I spend all this time detailing what I do, everyone agreeing that my contribution is invaluable and what happens -- it's makes no difference at all. That's so much crap.

I thought that this job was it -- so perfect, people I love and who love me, the work that uses all my skills. And now that's gone.

It's more than the money here, Lord (although I'd appreciate the help in that department, too). It's about me. I felt needed, appreciated and I made a contribution toward doing good. And now... It doesn't matter. All of those things are true and it doesn't matter.


I really need to be able to handle this without weeping, 'cuz that's so not good.

I'm keeping faith, really I am. I just... am a little lost right now.

I am, yours in hope,


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