Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Plans (11/23/22)

OK. I'm the one who always refuses to make plans. I say that a to-do list becomes a failure list at the end of the day. Posting a list for other people to see just means that more people will get to see what a failure I am. (Yes, I totally relate to Dean Winchester, why do you ask?)

That aside, I'm going to take the chance and post a to-do list. Not a list of things I have to do, but rather things that I can do. Things I would like to do. I'm thinking that my natural contrariness makes a to-do list something that I want to push back against. Hey, I never claimed to be sane.

So, keeping in mind that this is purely an experiment, here is my list for tomorrow:

  • Get up at 6:30, to make muffins for the family -- this would have to be put off until Saturday if I don't do it tomorrow. (Note how I am already planning on not doing this!)
  • Work on Burlap & Daisies web pages, getting the pictures and descriptions up for the items we have finished. This doesn't have to be clever or perfect but it does need to get done!
  • Work on completing the first post for Burlap & Daisies. This would be a general "about us" post, with a little intro. It should be the post that we send people to in order to get some lowdown on Burlap & Daisies. This doesn't have to perfect because it can always be modified to make more sense, but it should get done.
  • Start list for FAQ. What questions do you think you need to have answers for and that you can put up. Just a handwritten list would work, this could be done with Myr over lunch.
  • Make a list of ideas for posts. Start thinking about making a post every other or every third day. This could also be a handwritten list done with Myr over lunch.
  • Go with Myr to see what she needs to do for her next semester of classes This can't be put off!!! Why is it that Myr can be more responsible than you?
  • Call about Ned's for Myr. Have them sent to Walgreens or Walmart because they should be the cheapest. Make inquiries about not having insurance. This may be expensive but Myr needs her mess!!!
  • Go to First Street and play a games with Wil after Myr is done with school. Wil really needs to play with us!!! We could do a game at home, but I don't know what Mom's schedule is like and she may be coming over. I really hate the thought that Wil is losing in a popularity contest between him and my mom. All this baking stuff is a little hard on him, I think.

That is so much more than enough. Keeping in mind that I seem to be passive-aggressive even in dealing with myself I will need to find a way to make this work.

Wish me luck...

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